The Boomer Burden by Julie Hall

The Boomer Burden by Julie Hall

Author:Julie Hall
Language: eng
Format: epub
Tags: ebook, book
Publisher: Thomas Nelson
Published: 0101-01-01T00:00:00+00:00

Identity Theft Isn’t Just for the Living

In estates, I find that a lot of the boomers attempt to clean out their moms and dads’ homes, only to give up after a valiant effort. We find many personal financial papers, tax returns, investment portfolios, and so on in the trash without benefit of being shredded or destroyed. I cannot stress to you enough the importance of calling shredding companies and having them come to the house to do the shredding right in the driveway. It is an added expense but one certainly worthwhile. These days we can’t be too careful.

If your parents are still living and you want to assist them in protecting their assets, you had better make sure someone isn’t fast-talking them into poverty. According to those who investigate these crimes against our Greatest Generation, people over the age of sixty-five constitute anywhere from 30 to 50 percent of all fraud victims.

It’s bad enough that these vultures prey on people who should be enjoying their golden years, but the schemes continue even after they die. I learned of one couple who were talked into paying for a prefuneral package that was supposed to handle all the funeral and burial costs when they died. Yet by the time they died, the company had gone out of business, and the family had to pay for their father’s funeral out of their own pockets.


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